Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Plum blossoms!

Today I was walking with a friend across the school garden to reach my bike to come home, and I noticed some beautiful pink flowers!  

They are called "ume" (うめ) and they blossom before Sakura (cherry flowers) but they are really alike! And beautiful, I think! I was so happy to see them, and I'm looking forward to see the sakura's flowers in late march/april! 

My friend told me that when sakura blossoms the trees are all pink, and here its full of sakura's trees so...I think that I'll be immersed in a pink world. :3 is warm and sunny, a beautiful day but I have to study for the Final Term Examination that will be held next week! I can't understand plenty of the classes yet but if I study hard I may be able to take the tests with a decent score, I hope! I'll do my best! 頑張る 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Okei ormai si capisce che ho buttato dentro con il blog (ーー;)
MA non tutto è perduto perché ogni tanto voglta di scrivere mi ritorna (e mi ricordo di avere un blog...)


So it's been the day before yesterday (l'altro ieri) six months here! I can't believe  it, time flies! 
I can't describe my emotions right now, but I am enjoying every single beautiful day here, even after 6 beautiful months every day is still a great adventure!
And I started to have lately the beautiful feeling of "coming home" after a long day spent hanging out with my friends or a long day at school after club activity...right, not coming home in Italy, but like I am here at home...not really home but home! That relaxing feeling...
I think that you fellows exchange can understand pretty well! 

今は日本はあたしの本当に家みたい (この文章は日本語がおかしいけど皆んなは何となく分かると願う!)

I'm studying for the year's final examinations at school, so, bye bye, I hope to have chance to write again soon! 
